Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions and usage agreements form a non-transferable contract between you (the site visitor and/or person using our images) and us (AirTeamImages Limited).

AirTeamImages Ltd is the parent company which owns AirTeamImages.com. This agreement covers all the listed websites.

You may download low-resolution images from this web site to your computer for initial viewing and/or use in comping (trial layouts for client approval). Such comps may be copied to third parties but may not be used for any finished project.

All other reproduction is prohibited except in accordance with a Usage Agreement as described below.


Under the terms of the United Kingdom’s Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 all images are copyright of AirTeamImages Limited or individual photographers as credited on the website’s image display pages. Unless specifically agreed, this copyright is non-transferable. Purchasing the rights to use an image does not include the re-assignment of copyright. . AirTeamImages Limited act only as a platform/shop and are not responsible for the content uploaded and displayed by its members.

Data & Information

Information is provided on the site in good faith and, where appropriate, data has been derived from reputable sources. AirTeamImages cannot accept liability for the accuracy of the source data or for errors in transcription. Data may only be reproduced at your own risk.

Usage Agreements

Personal Use

Images on this site may be purchased for personal use in the form of prints or selected other merchandise. Such purchases may be made solely via the "PrintButton" service provided by Loxley Colour and is subject to the terms and conditions set out by Loxley Colour (Loxley Colour terms of use) in addition to AirTeamImages Limited terms and conditions as set out below.

  1. "Personal Use" is defined as the purchase of an image for a private collection, decorative display or the presentation of a gift.
  2. Prints and gifts may not be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever nor may such images be re-sold or published in any form.
  3. Copying of images by any means is prohibited.

Prints and gifts are prepared to guidelines set out by Loxley Colour. Responsibility for selecting the correct image, format and, if applicable, crop resides with the customer. No refunds can be made for incorrect selections. Refunds/replacements for faulty or damaged goods will be addressed.

Editorial Use

The terms and conditions set out below provide a baseline for the use of our images. In all cases, we would encourage customers to discuss their needs with our staff to obtain the optimum image license for your requirements.

All images displayed on AirTeamImages.com may be licensed for editorial use. "Editorial Use" is defined as the use of an image in a context which is newsworthy or in the public interest. This may include factual, educational or historical contexts. Editorial use excludes the use of images for the promotion of products and services (see "commercial use" below). The following terms apply to all editorial usage agreements:

  1. The customer is responsible for determining whether the intended usage of an image is editorial in nature. The customer will indemnify AirTeamImages Limited from any consequences arising from the use of an image licensed for editorial use in a non-editorial context.
  2. The customer is responsible for determining if the intended use requires any additional third-party rights or permissions.
  3. Unless otherwise stipulated, licenses are issued for the specified use of an image for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. An image purchased for one purpose may not be used for other purposes unless agreed and stated on the invoice/usage license.
  4. Unless agreed in advance, payment for using the image must be received before the image is published (electronically or in print). In all cases, payment in full is required within 30 days of the purchase agreement.
  5. All licences are issued for the exclusive use of the customer and are non-transferrable.
  6. Delivery of the image will be in a format and timescale agreed between the customer and AirTeamImages Limited at the time of purchase.
  7. The customer will take all reasonable measures to protect licensed images from piracy or unauthorised use.
  8. Unless otherwise agreed, published images will be accompanied by a credit in the form "photographer’s name/AirTeamImages.com".
  9. Images supplied by AirTeamImages Limited may not be duplicated by any means beyond that necessary for the agreed specified purpose. Images may not be retained in any storage medium beyond the lifetime of the licence agreement.
  10. Images to be used in derivative works must be licensed specifically for that purpose. A "derivative work" includes the use of all or part of the image in another work, such as a collage.
  11. Images may not be substantially modified without prior agreement. Non- substantial modifications such as cropping to fit a page are permitted provided such modifications do not alter the subject matter or intent of the original image.

Commercial Use

"Commercial Use" is defined as the use of an image for the promotion of a product or service with the intent to generate revenue. Not all of AirTeamImages are available "as is" for commercial use and may require the customer to obtain rights from third parties.

Such rights might include model releases, property releases or permission to use trademarks. The customer is responsible for determining and obtaining such third-party rights where required.

Otherwise, the terms and conditions described under "editorial use" will apply.

Most Popular Images

Our most popular aviation photographs over the last 7 days.

Image ID: 477010

Gulfstream V

Image ID: 473983

Dassault Falcon 8X

Image ID: 476951

Gulfstream G700

Image ID: 477058

Airbus A220-300

Image ID: 456918

Sikorsky S-92A Helibus