Sukhoi Su-26 Private EC-HYU
- Manufacturer:
- Sukhoi
- Type / Model:
- Su-26
- Registration:
- Colour Scheme:
- Private
- Location:
- Casarrubios del Monte, Spain
- Photographer:
- Javier Guerrero
- Date Taken:
- 25/03/2006
- Image ID:
- #26243
- High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
- 2511 x 1674
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Aircraft Data
The Sukhoi Su-26 is a single-seater aerobatics plane of composite-intensive construction powered by a single radial reciprocating engine and has mid-mounted straight wings and fixed landing gear, the main gear is mounted on a solid titanium arc.
The Su-26M has refined tail surfaces and a 3-bladed Hoffman prop. Su-26MKh with wing external fuel tanks. Su-26M2 with smoke flight tracer and has an additional fuel tank.
Country of Origin | First Flight | No. Built | No. In Service | Crew | Passengers |
Russia | 1984 | 80 | 80 | 1 | 0 - 0 |
The modified Su-26M3 uses the M9F 430-hp engine.
Engine Count | 1 | |
Engine Variations | ||
Engine Manufacturer |
Engine Name |
Engine Class |
Engine Power |
* Was originally designed by Ivchenko, but production taken over ny Vedeneyev.
Length | 6.83 m. 22 ft. 5 in. |
Wing Span | 7.8 m. 25 ft. 7 in. |
Height | 2.92 m. 9 ft. 7 in. |
Empty Weight | 735 kg. 1619 lbs. |
Max Weight | 1204 kg. 2653 lbs. |
Max Speed | 452 kph 281 mph |
Cruise Speed | 311 kph 193 mph |
Ceiling | 3694.18 m. 12120 ft. |
Normal Range | 833 450 nm km. |
Max Range | 926 500 nm km. |
Display data using: Metric Imperial
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