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Image ID: 453380

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 453379

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 453378

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 246765

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 246757

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 229609

Fairey Swordfish Mk1

Image ID: 155681

Saab 2000 Swordfish MPA

Image ID: 153952

Saab 2000 Swordfish MPA

Image ID: 153884

Saab 2000 Swordfish MPA

Image ID: 131265

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 131194

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 127300

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 118452

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 109484

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 101066

Fairey Swordfish II

Image ID: 64018

Fairey Swordfish Mk2

Image ID: 63311

Fairey Swordfish Mk2
