MXR Technologies MX2 Private N540MX
- Manufacturer:
- MXR Technologies
- Type / Model:
- MX2
- Registration:
- N540MX
- Colour Scheme:
- Private
- Location:
- South Africa
- Photographer:
- Brian Spurr
- Date Taken:
- 12/07/2013
- Image ID:
- #228943
- High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
- 2336 x 3505
- Image Description:
- Nigel Hopkins front and Mark Hensman of Team Xtreme. Nigel recently had a structural failure with this aircraft while practising for the World Aerobatic Championships in France. He was able to bail out but the aircraft was destroyed. The other aircraft was destroyed in a massive warehouse explosion in China... That aircraft was N540MX
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