Lockheed Martin
Type / Model:
F-22 Raptor
Colour Scheme:
USA - US Air Force
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5000 x 3333
Image Description:
United States Air Force “Trend” fleet of Langley-Eustis AFB F-22 Raptors refuelling at 27,000ft & 9 miles North East of Newcastle Upon Tyne with KC-135R Stratotanker “ROMA86” 63-8026. The raptors were being tanked over from Virginia in the U.S. to Powidz AFB, Poland as part of a scheduled aircraft rotation in support of the U.S.’s forward fighter presence along NATO’s Eastern Flank.

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Aircraft Data

The F-22 Raptor is a fifth-generation multi-role fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology and is the newest fighter to be operated by the United States Air Force.

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