FMA IA-27 Pulqui Argentina - Air Force
- Manufacturer:
- Type / Model:
- IA-27 Pulqui
- Colour Scheme:
- Argentina - Air Force
- Location:
- Moron, Argentina
- Photographer:
- Sebastian Fdez Bielkiewicz
- Date Taken:
- 15/08/2009
- Image ID:
- #143806
- High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
- 3801 x 2534
- Image Description:
- FMA IA-27 Pulqui prototype was powered by a Rolls-Royce Derwent 5 turbojet engine. The aircraft first flew on 9th August 1947 with test pilot 1st. Lt. Osvaldo Weiss at the controls. Its performance was considered unsatisfactory so its history was brief. Nevertheless, its role in the history of aviation is quite significant as it was the first jet combat aircraft developed and built in Argentina and Latin America.
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