English Electric
Type / Model:
Colour Scheme:
UK - Royal Air Force
Gerard Griessel
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
3000 x 2000
Image Description:
The English Electric Lightning was truly a sight to behold at Airshows in South Africa a few years ago. This former RAF example, XP693, was restored to flying condition in 2006, but only ever flew until 2009, when Thunder City ceased operations after the fatal crash of another Lightning in their fleet. XP693 has a rich history, and acted as the chase plane for the Tornado project. This aircraft still sits in Thunder City's hangar at Cape Town International Airport, awaiting the day she flies again.

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Aircraft Data

The English Electric Lightning was a British built supersonic jet fighter aircraft of the Cold War era operated by the Royal Air Force and Royal Saudi Air Force and Kuwait Air Force

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