Type / Model:
Super Etendard
Colour Scheme:
Argentina - Navy
Kieron Collection
Date Taken:
Image ID:
High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
2500 x 1658
Image Description:
Super Etendard 0764/3-A-214 of the Argentine Navy/Comando Aviacion Naval at BAN Comandante Espora, Bahia Blanca. Operated by 2 Esc Aeronavale de Caza y Ataque, 3 Escuadra Aeronaval, 0764 was the last aircraft of 14 to be delivered and was reported to have received the serial 0774 on delivery. Note the unit's battle honours on the squadron's hangar door - HMS Sheffield 4.5.82, Atlantic Conveyor 25.5.82 and the much debated HMS Invincible attack on 30.5.82.

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