Boeing 777-240/LR PIA - Pakistan International Airlines AP-BGZ

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4208 x 2805
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This Boeing 777-240LR was delivered to PIA as AP-BGZ on March 23, 2006. Boeing Company established a new world record for distance traveled nonstop by a commercial airplane with this Boeing 777-240LR. The long range Boeing 777-240LR flew 11,664 nautical miles (21,601 km) during its 22-hour 42-minute flight that left Hong Kong flying eastbound the evening of November 9. The distance set by this Boeing 777-240LR is farther than any previous commercial jetliner has flown and exceeds a distance of more than halfway around the world. The 777-240LR left Hong Kong International Airport at 10:30 p.m. local time November 9 and landed at London Heathrow Airport at approximately 1:14 p.m. GMT November 10.

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 777 is the world's largest twinjet and commonly referred to as the "Triple Seven" Distinguishing features include the six wheels on each main landing gear. In service with many of the worlds airlines primarily for long-haul services

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