Type / Model:
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UK International Airlines
Dave Sturges
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
4102 x 2735
Image Description:
UK International Airlines was a short-lived airline operating principally from East Midlands to Islamabad and Lahore via Sharjah. The airline suspended operations on 27th December 2007 and had its AOC and route licences suspended by the UK CAA on 8th January 2008. This aircraft was stored at EMA for some considerable time and was eventually broken up here.

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 767 is a mid-size, wide-body twinjet airliner. The flight decks of the 757 and 767 are very similar and as a result, after a short conversion course, pilots rated in the 757 are also qualified to fly the 767 and vice versa.

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