Type / Model:
Colour Scheme:
DHL (DHL Aero Expreso)
Cesar Badilla
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
4902 x 3268
Image Description:
This was climbing out of SJO's runway 07 when the crew stopped the climb at about FL210 declaring Mayday due to a hydraulic failure. The aircraft entered a hold while the crew worked the related checklists. The aircraft subsequently returned for an approach to runway 07 about 45 minutes after departure. After touchdown, the crew lost control of the aircraft, which spun around and went off the runway causing the aircraft to break up into two parts, both main gear struts collapsed. The crew was able to exit the aircraft without serious injuries.

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 757 is a medium range narrow body passenger airliner. It was the successor to the B727, with the same fuselage cross section, but the airframe was redesigned with underwing fan engines. The 757 was developed in tandem with the 767.

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