Type / Model:
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MyCargo (ACT Airlines)
Colin Parker
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
4277 x 2851
Image Description:
This MyCargo Boeing 747 TC-MCL crashed amid fog into homes near Manas airport, about 25km (15 miles) north of the capital, Bishkek on 16th January 2017. At least 15 buildings were destroyed and a number of children were reported to be among the 32 dead. Flight TK6491 was to have stopped at Manas en route to Istanbul in Turkey after departing from Hong Kong.

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 747 often referred to by the nickname "Jumbo Jet" is among the world's most recognizable and most successful commercial aircraft used by many of the worlds leading airlines primarily for long haul international routes

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