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ANA - All Nippon Airways
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
4458 x 2972
Image Description:
ANA Jumbo JA8961 will be retired on 31.3.2014. The very special charter flight were preformed on 12th January 2014 from Osaka Itami airport, as this airport had already banned four engine aircraft flying since 2006. The flight was given a water cannon salute after a scenic flight to Mt.Fuji. Over 3000 spotters and visitors were gathered around for this special moment. As a spotter, it is a lovely and enjoyable day.

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Aircraft Data

The Boeing 747 often referred to by the nickname "Jumbo Jet" is among the world's most recognizable and most successful commercial aircraft used by many of the worlds leading airlines primarily for long haul international routes

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