Type / Model:
Brussels, Belgium
Rudi Boigelot
Date Taken:
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
5535 x 3743
Image Description:
One of first aircraft in Jetairfly fleet equiped with split scimitar winglets" Split Scimitar Winglets are offered by APB for the 737-800 and 737-900ER and came into service in early 2014. They are available as a retrofit to existing winglet aircraft. APB expect to be able to offer the retrofit to all of the 737NG range by the end of 2015. A set of SSWs weigh 133kg (294Lb) per aircraft but give fuel savings of 1.6% on sectors of 1000nm rising to 2.2% on sectors of 3000nm. This equates to an extra 65nm range.

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Aircraft Data

The B737 is a twin engined short to medium range narrow body airliner. It is the most successful airliner in its class, first delivered in 1967, it has been developed continuously into a family of increasingly capable versions.

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