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World Aviation Archive
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N7201U, The Serial Number was 17907, it was the first B720 built and it was delivered to United Airlines on October 1960 and then purchased in 1973 by Contemporary Entertainment. Sherman and Sylvester invested $200,000 to reduce its seating capacity to forty and to install into the main cabin a bar, seats and tables, revolving armchairs, a 30-foot-long couch, a television set and a video cassette player, complete with a well-stocked video library. Known as The Starship Airplane it was used by Led Zeppelin, Elton John, Alice Cooper, Bob Dylan and The Band, Deep Purple, Allman Brothers, The Rolling Stones, and Peter Frampton. John Lennon, Frank Sinatra, and Cher were passengers at one time or another.

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Aircraft Data

Originally designated the 707-020 but later changed for marketing reasons to the Boeing 720. It was a shortened version of the 707-120 and as such was both lighter and faster for use on medium-range operations from shorter airport runways

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