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JetBlue Airways
Suresh Atapattu
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High-Res Photo Dimensions (Pixels):
3000 x 2000
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Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport opens its south runway,10R, by having the first landing by a VIP flight flown by JetBlue. Captain Randy Forrester (right) and First Officer Scott M. Morgan (left) show the first skidmarks in 10R caused by their landing a few minutes earlier. The first flight to land on the new runway was a JetBlue charter hop with about 150 VIPs on board, including a handful of journalists documenting the occasion. The $719 million, 8,000-foot runway is the first phase of an expansion project aiming to ease crowds and update terminals for the 23.5 million passengers who visit the airport annually for its budget-friendly flight options.

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